Sunday, December 22, 2013

Brief update

A few updates. I tend to hibernate through the winter. The northwest weather is terrible for spraying paint and sealer, and the dark evenings affect my enthusiasm for gaming.

Firstly, I've decided to start a Legion of Everblight army for 2014. I've got the battle box with pLylyth, and will be adding to it over the weeks. Pics to come.

Secondly, a rant. I was interested in finally getting into 40k, 6th edition, but the prices... we've all heard the complaints about GW's prices, but 80 bucks for a rulebook, a new codex for my Tau, I'm starting to really feel the pinch. So maybe, but only if I've got the extra cash to toss around, which means my getting into 6th edition is unlikely.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Khador WIP

Getting those Khador knocked out. New league is starting soon, and I think I'm going to take the opportunity to expand my army. I want to try the Man O War Shocktroopers, the Doomreavers, Battle Mechanics. Now that I've got some experience with the game.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Astartes Taxi

Imperial Fists Rhino transport.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter break is over.

I took a break from painting over the winter, since the humidity prevents any spraying of primer or sealer, and I dislike having finished models lying around waiting. So, goals for 2013: Finish my Tau up to 2500 points. I can field 2500 right now, but it's not optimized. Finish my Space Marine battle box. Finish my Khador up to 35 points. I'm at 30, with about 20 points worth painted and finished. Finish my Space Hulk, 3rd edition models. Start my Pan-Oceania starter squad. And, hopefully, finish my Cityboard project. Quite a list. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Been a while. I've gotten into Warmachine during 2012, and thought I'd post my impressions. First, for my first faction, I decided on Khador. I usually go for a more "fiddly" army, like the Tau, but I wanted a straightforward army for Warmachine, and Khador are pretty straightforward. Big, tough, smashy. I started with, appropriately enough, the starter box, and used Prime Sorscha as my warcaster.
I am not fond of Privateer Press resins. At least, the starter box ones. The flash and cleanup on the Khador Warjacks was time consuming, and never got to a point where I was happy. Cleaning a mould line over a rivet is a bitch and a half. I got them to the point where I could live with it. Snow, I decided to do snow bases with bits of battlefield debris sticking out. Sometimes this worked great, and sometimes it was just eh. I got a small packet of watch parts to dress the bases as bits of wrecked Warjacks, and glued them to the base so that they would stick out of the snow. The actual stuff I used for snow was simply baking soda. DO NOT USE BAKING POWDER. It's easy to get the two mixed up if you're not familiar with them. The effect was fine, but I really would like to try a proper snow effect next time, as the baking soda seemed to yellow a bit after applying the sealer.
The game itself I really like. I like how colorful the Warcaster characters are, and that every unit has a distinctive ability. The armies tend to be smaller than 40k, and thus it's a bit easier to collect. It helps that the group I joined was just starting an escalation league, and so we started out with very small point value games, and worked up from there over the course of a few months.