Sunday, February 24, 2013

Astartes Taxi

Imperial Fists Rhino transport.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter break is over.

I took a break from painting over the winter, since the humidity prevents any spraying of primer or sealer, and I dislike having finished models lying around waiting. So, goals for 2013: Finish my Tau up to 2500 points. I can field 2500 right now, but it's not optimized. Finish my Space Marine battle box. Finish my Khador up to 35 points. I'm at 30, with about 20 points worth painted and finished. Finish my Space Hulk, 3rd edition models. Start my Pan-Oceania starter squad. And, hopefully, finish my Cityboard project. Quite a list. We'll see how it goes.