Saturday, May 29, 2010


I use three different types of glue.

Testors liquid plastic cement.

Testors Cement.

I use the goopy kind. Some prefer the stuff that comes in a squarish black bottle, but I find the applicator gets gummed up way too easy.
This stuff melts plastic and thus is perfect for cementing plastic to plastc. Not good for any other job. Just plastic to plastic.

Zap-A-Gap Zap Gel.

Zap Gel.

This is what I use to bond metal to metal, and metal to plastic. It's superglue in gel form, and is easier to work with than the regular superglues. Other brands of superglue gel work just fine, but I like Zap.

Elmer's white glue.

Simple Elmer's Glue All. Can be thinned with water and mixed with paint for terrain work. I use this for gluing basing materials a lot. Also handy for papercraft and gluing plastic to styrofoam, and styrofoam to paper or styrofoam.

These three glues cover most everything I need to glue together.

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