Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Everblight, the lists.

After doing some research on Battle College, I started to form up my lists.

Battle box to 15 points. I'm going to add the Succubus. She brings the army right to 15 points, and has some neat support abilities.

15 to 25 points. I'm going to drop three of the Shredders, and add a Naga Nightlurker, a unit of Blighted Nyss Striders with the Unit Attachment, and a Forsaken.

The Naga is for hunting troublesome solos like Gorman DiWulfe. I'm starting with the Striders because of their stealth ability, and their Combined Ranged Attack.

25 to 35 points. I had considered more tarpit units, but instead decided on a very shooty army. So at 35 points I'll add the Blighted Nyss Archers, and their Unit Attachment. I'll also add a Blighted Nyss Shepherd, for more fury management, and a Strider Deathstalker to add more value to the Striders.

35 to 50 points. Time to add Typhon! And add 4 more Nyss Archers to round out the 50 points.

Should be a fun change from my Khador army. I'm really looking forward to building up this force and trying them out.

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