When all of your repositioning ships have the same manuvers, like 4, T-65 X-Wings, repositioning is fairly easy.
Each X-Wing plans a 4-K turn.
And things turn out fine. But let's use two T-70 X-Wings, and two Z-95 Bandits.
Most players will place the Bandits in front, since they have a lower pilot skill than two T-70 aces, like Poe Dameron and Ello Asty. But the Z-95's have a 3-K turn, while the T-70's have the same 4-K turn as a T-65 X-Wing. If this squadron all attempts to K-turn at once-
The Bandits move first, and accomplish their 3-K turns. Ello attempts to turn, and finds that his 4-K turn causes a collision with the Bandit that was in front of him.
But T-70's also have a 3-Tallon Roll, and provided there is enough room, can avoid a collision and still get repositioned.
Let's put our squad in an approach situation with Mauler Mithiel and Dark Curse.
There's not enough room to get the whole squadron repositioned, but we can attempt a block. Each fighters plans a 1 Forward.
The Bandits move first, and can take a Focus action since they did not have a collision.
Dark Curse and Mauler Mithiel planned 2 Forward manuvers-
Causing them to collide with the Bandits and thus skip their actions this turn.
Ello Asty and Poe Dameron execute their 1 Forwards, and can take a Focus action since they did not have a collision. We now have a situation where the bandits cannot shoot the TIE they are touching, but can attack the adjacent TIE.The TIEs are in a similar situation, though they can fire at adjacent Bandits, or the T-70 aces.
The T-70 aces can fire on either TIE, and have Focus available for attack or defense.
In a real game, blocking will seldom be this straightforward, but that is the basic idea.
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